Just Five Minutes

Lunch time and journalling time

Being a writer, I have kept a journal for many years and it’s something that I really like doing. The way I do it has gradually evolved to a style that is my own, and something I have recently added is what I call, Just Five Minutes.

The idea is that every now and then, I will just sit and write for 5 minutes on something that is on my heart, and often it is inspired by where I am. Regularly, whilst out walking, or just sitting somewhere, maybe listening to music, I find my spirit stirred, and rather than let this experience slip away and be swamped by 21st century life, I will get out my journal and fountain pen and write a descriptive piece about what is happening and what I am feeling.

I went on a walk yesterday on the most beautiful day. It was a short walk, but with my arthritic ankle still playing up, and now Bursitis in my right knee being added to that, all my walks are of necessity short at the moment. Yesterday’s was a 5 mile walk at the princely average speed of 1 mph, not at all the sort of walk I was doing – they were more like 20 miles and at least double that average speed. Even though I am in my mid seventies, I still hope to return to my previous walking habits…..but that will depend on my body and the orthopaedic consultant. Until then though, as they say, necessity is the mother of invention, so I have come up with various ideas to enable me to still enjoy the outdoors.

One of those things is ‘Just Five Minutes’ and yesterday on my walk, I sat (actually twice for an hour at a time) and as part of that, I wrote – not an easy task when the journal has to be balanced on my knee πŸ™‚ . And this is what I wrote…..


Just Five Minutes – a journalling practice

It’s like Spring out here but it’s not, it’s Winter. February in fact, the 14th, Valentine’s Day. I wonder how St Valentine became involved with the 14th February, but of course, it was his day long before it became the day of lovers or had any connection with romance. That only happened in the 14th/15th century, possibly because traditionally mid February is when birds are thought to pair up and mate. St Valentine goes back much farther than that, he was an early Christian martyr who died on this day.

On this Valentine’s Day, I am sat on a seat in the middle of the countryside, not far from Badbury Rings. It is lunch time and I have a sandwich and flask of Bovril. With the warmth of the sun on my back, I could easily close my eyes and imagine it is April or May. The sun is bright and clear, the sky is a dome of constant blue, and there is not a breath of wind. I can hear birds singing in the nearby trees, rooks cawing in the fields, and there are bugs flitting in the hedgerow beside me. There too, the buds are forming but not yet breaking; this is still the time of the snowdrops that I have passed on my walk here. Apart from bird song, all is quiet and still – two people just walked past me, chattering, but they have now gone and it is once more just me and the birds.

In the warm stillness with only the sounds of nature, this truly is a Spring Day in Winter. And yet, it is more than that, it is a sign of hope borne by the fact that true Spring is just around the corner, a time when all of nature will be re-awakening, and that thought re-awakens me after the dull slumbering of Winter.


The doctor said, ‘Rest’ but in my mind, to someone who normally walks nearer 20, walking 5 slow miles is resting – I hope so anyway πŸ™‚ ! I really enjoyed my slow coddiwomple, journalling, taking photos, and just sitting. When it gets a bit warmer, I look forward to doing more of it, and maybe taking my oil paints along as well. But you never know what is going to happen, I may yet be able to get my tent out again and do more backpacking. The important thing is to adapt and just go with what is, with a positive mindset……you can’t fight the aging process! Mind you, you can try to hold it back for as long as possible πŸ™‚ !

I hope you enjoyed my musings, and my journal. If you did, why not give it a go, it can literally take Just Five Minutes!

Thanks for stopping by

Until next time,
Your friend
The Dorset Rambler

If you would like to contact me, my email address is terry.yarrow@gmail.com β€“ comments and feedback are always welcomed.

All words and pictures in this blog are the copyright of The Dorset Rambler and may not be reproduced without permission.


  1. Just Five Minutes Terry is lovely.

    We both enjoyed reading it. Yes the birds are busy tweeting away every morning and we seem to have more than our share of crows and rooks here in Shropshire.

    How lovely the snowdrops are at the moment too.

    Do hope your knee improves for you.

    πŸ₯Ύ πŸ₯Ύ

  2. Hi Terry I have done some similar sitting on Hertfordshire countryside benches recently gazing up at the cloudless blue sky with the winter sun on my face, listening to the birds and enjoying the fresh air
    I can’t walk far now and neither can my dog.
    I like to think that you are a connection with my cousin Peggy Saxon on the other side of the world in new Zealand, both of us reading your posts and remembering Dorset
    Karen Bott

    1. Hi Karen. That’s one of the things that I really like about blogging, that it brings people together from all around the world. I don’t have celebrity following but those I have are diverse and genuinely interested and I love that. Thank you for your interest, your comments, and for following me πŸ˜€

  3. Hi Terry, this is really encouraging. The aging process does feel like a battle sometimes and this puts it into perspective. As usual we are encouraged by your writings! Thankyou.

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